Community Support
Business Resolutions
We, the undersigned owners of businesses, support the Shenandoah Rail Trail.
We believe transforming the 48.5-mile unused railroad corridor from Broadway to Front Royal into a multi-use trail represents an extraordinary opportunity to create a world-class trail providing multi-use access to extraordinary landscape views, numerous communities, businesses, schools, and cultural and historic resources.
The trail would catalyze tourism-related economic growth. A completed economic impact analysis predicts trail visitors, spending money at local businesses, will inject $32.3 million per year into the local economy, and the expanded economy in the region is projected to generate higher tax revenue each year for the state and local government.
By signing this statement, we join with the other trail localities and nonprofits in seeking the support of regional, state, and federal agencies and the railroad’s owner, Norfolk Southern Corporation, toward the goal of developing the trail.
Shenandoah Valley Productions Fort Valley, VA
As a longtime rail trail bike rider, I've personally experienced the health and aesthetic benefits of rail trails. The small businesses catering to trail tourists along the way often seemed like a thin thread of prosperity through areas that otherwise been economically depressed. A rail trail is a good fit for the Shenandoah Valley, because it already attracts tourists looking for scenic beauty and history, not to mention an even higher quality of life for people who live here.~Hank Zimmerman
Magnum Opus Fitness and Wellness Coaching Harrisonburg, VA
As a running, fitness, and wellness coach focused on health and performance optimization, all opportunities to safely explore and explore the outdoors benefit not only our personal clients, but the community at large. Countless studies support movement as medicine and nature as medicine as well. Combine them, and our community will not only feel great, they’ll do great, too!~Nelle Fox, Owner
Yoga Sol Harrisonburg, VA
The Shenandoah Rail Trail is a unique opportunity that will create a safe space for pedestrians and cyclists to improve their physical and mental well-being. Transforming this existing transportation corridor into a functioning resource for public recreation will feature the beauty and history of the Shenandoah Valley.~Kari and Michael Carpenter
Route 11 Potato Chips Mount Jackson, VA
Diving Girl Orchards Shenandoah County, VA
This is the perfect customer for all businesses that want to increase their revenues, while maintaining that rural feel. We'll have some visitors with disposable income come in for a day or two, and then go home at the end of their visit.~Brad Skipper, Proprietor
Greener Acres Farm LLC Edinburg, VA
As small business owners in Edinburg, we cannot wait for the trail to start construction. We personally can’t wait to use the trail and frequently go out for weekend rides and stop to shop somewhere while on a trail. We know it will bring more people in to stop for a bite at Sals, Beans, or the Mill. When people see what Edinburg has to offer, they’ll keep coming back. There are great things going on in town and more hikers, bikers and walkers will only benefit Edinburg.~John and Claire Thomas, Owners
Mole Hill Bikes Dayton, VA
As both the owners of Mole Hill Bikes (a local bike shop) and as cyclists that love riding with our families, we look forward to the Shenandoah Rail Trail. We are excited about the idea of a safe place to ride with young children without driving the nearly 2 hours to the C&O Canal. The trail will also be a great way to explore the beautiful Shenandoah Valley and will hopefully help many of the towns and business that it connects to make a more vibrant community for all of us.
Abode of Liberation Front Royal, VA
As a non-profit organization dedicated to housing adults with intellectual disabilities, we enthusiastically endorse the rail trail project. This initiative promises to provide a fantastic, secure, and health-promoting activity for our cherished residents and their caregivers.
Smiley's Kustard Basye, VA
DCA Financial Group, LLC Strasburg, VA
As a business owner and life long resident of Strasburg, I think the trail project is an excellent way to create new and exciting opportunities while enhancing the beauty of the Valley.~Clay Arthur
Bryce Resort Basye, VA
The building of the trail will be a win-win endeavor for all of us by bringing in tourist dollars and making our area an even more desirable destination.~Ryan Locher, General Manager
Hayes Construction Corporation Fort Valley, VA
As a business of the valley for almost 30 years, we are excited to see what the trail and its benefits bring everyone!~Bill Hayes, Founder and Owner
Seven Bends Nursery Strasburg, VA
I believe the trail will benefit residents and businesses by enhancing tourism in the best way--by highlighting the bucolic beauty of our region. It's a clean, cost- effective, and unobtrusive approach for improving the lives of locals while protecting a corridor of historic importance. We've got a chance to do something that people will talk well about, let's take it.~Iara Lacher, PhD, Owner
Alexander Brothers Timberville, VA
Valley Trail Bike & Run Mount Jackson, VA
As a future small business owner directly on the Shenandoah Rail Trail corridor, I am thrilled about the potential this trail brings to our community. It’s not just about increased foot and bike traffic; it’s about fostering a stronger connection between local businesses and outdoor enthusiasts. This trail will create opportunities for growth, collaboration, and a thriving local economy while encouraging healthier lifestyles for residents and visitors alike.~Trey & Brice Nelson
River Bluff Farm Bed & Breakfast Quicksburg, VA
As a small Bed and Breakfast along the trail we are excited to bring more people to visit this beautiful area. As much as it will benefit our business, we also feel it will benefit the local community for exercise and enjoyment. It is the best use of the railroad corridor.~Matt and Donna Griffin, Innkeepers
Woodstock Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinic Woodstock, VA
As a healthcare provider I can recommend utilizing the trail to my patients which would not only benefit their physical health but their mental health as well and it would provide a safe place for exercise.~Cully MacDonald D.C., Owner
Good Life Corporation New Market, VA
Massanutten Resort Rockingham County, VA
Massanutten Resort is excited about bringing additional recreational tourism to the Shenandoah Valley.~Kenny Hess
Corkscrew Racing Augusta County, VA
As a small business dedicated to getting folks moving in the outdoors, the Shenandoah Rail Trail will be an amazing and safe place for those looking to start their fitness journey!~Robyn K. Jones, Owner
Adventure Enablers Front Royal, VA
The opportunities surrounding the development of the rail trail are very exciting for the community, both as a recreational resource and a tourism attraction. The trail will contribute to the advancement of health and wellness, as well as the economic development of Front Royal and the surrounding area. As avid supporters of outdoor adventures, the Adventure Enablers team is looking forward to helping with the development, eventual promotion, and support of the trail.
Broadway Lions Club Broadway, VA
The Broadway Lions Club proudly supports the Shenandoah Rail Trail, a transformative project that reflects our mission to enhance health and well-being, strengthen communities, and assist those in need. By collaborating with localities and Friends of the Shenandoah Rail Trail, the Broadway Lions Club is committed to creating a welcoming southern trailhead and converting this unused corridor into a safe and accessible path for Every Body.
Element Sports Winchester, VA
As the owner of a bike shop, the trail would not only have benefits for us, but for the entire cycling community that we are a part of. We need safe places to cycle and recreate in locally, and this trail would be an awesome resource for our area.~Josh Lewis, owner
Shenandoah Technology Systems Woodstock, VA
As a long-term resident, a small business owner, and someone who has family who operate a Virginia Century Farm, I certainly understand the need to strike a balance between growth and conservation. This region will continue to be a destination of sorts, yet it is important to retain what makes this region special, its ecosystems, and its farms' production. That said, I am a staunch supporter of the Rails to Trails project!~Eric MacLeod
Mountain Home Bed & Breakfast Warren County, VA
As a Bed & Breakfast on the Appalachian Trail in Warren County, we are thrilled about the prospects of another trail in our community. We encourage our guests to enjoy the outdoors and the rail trail is a great complement to existing hiking, biking, paddling, and sightseeing opportunities. We can't wait!~Scott and Lisa Jenkins, Owners
Family Farmhouse Inn Mount Jackson, VA
Our inn and the surrounding area of Mount Jackson would benefit tremendously from the Rails to Trails project. Our little town is an absolute GEM in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley and we would love more people to visit and enjoy all that we have to offer.~Julie, Janet & John Nossal
Front Royal River Adventures Front Royal, VA
The Shenandoah Rail to Trail concept is the brightest tourism attraction and resource for local Valley residents that has come to the Shenandoah Valley in a very long time. I support the Trail and stand ready to build service businesses to support the public's use of the trail at its proposed origination point at the historic VFW property in Front Royal. There are few concepts that come along that garner unanimous and undisputed political support from Towns and Counties, and is by far the best option to take advantage of the rail line, which has become an un-used resource. ~Jeff Kelble, Owner
ElectricByke Clifton, VA
As the owner of a small ecommerce business who strongly supports green transportation alternatives and the conversion of unused rail corridors into public trails for biking and walking, we are thrilled with the possibilities that this trail brings. We look forward to the many new adventures and enjoyment that this brings to the area.
The Good Life Rancher Front Royal, VA
As a born & raised native of Front Royal, as well as small business owner serving the Shenandoah Valley, I think the trail project is an excellent way to create recreational opportunities for everyone.~Mitsy L. Good, Owner
J&B’s Country Store Antiques & Treasures Broadway, VA
We’re excited for the Shenandoah Rail Trail and the economic boost it will bring to Broadway! The trail will spur downtown revitalization efforts and unlock new opportunities for growth. As a business in a historic building, we look forward to sharing Broadway’s rich history with visitors to the southern trailhead and showcasing what makes our community so special today.
Rocktown Bicycles Downtown Harrisonburg, VA
Community Resolutions
The creation of the Shenandoah Rail Trail Partnership, the 18-member coalition of towns, counties, planning district commissions and several nonprofits who share a vision of a multi-use Shenandoah Valley Rail Trail is in itself a testament to the widespread support for the project.
In addition to that formal partnership and the above supportive businesses, localities and community groups are confirming their interest in the project by passing resolutions of support. We’ll track those here, adding resolution text and new resolutions as they come in.
If you’re a part of an organization that would like to show support, please reach out and we’ll help to get you on the list!